My Projects

Here's a collection of my recent projects. Take a look at what I've been working on.

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Svelte Portfolio

Svelte Portfolio

Web DevelopmentSvelteSvelteKitCSSTailwind CSSJavaScript / TypeScriptResponsive DesignSSRPWAUI/UX DesignVite

A portfolio website built with SvelteKit and Tailwind CSS. It showcases my projects and skills.

dbc editor

dbc editor

PythonGUIDearPyGuiData StructuresFile EditingGame DevelopmentUI DesignData ManagementCross-PlatformVersion ControlPandas

A Python-based editor for DBC files, designed to simplify the editing process. Built with Python and dearpygui.



Game DevelopmentReactJavaScript / TypeScriptCSSVitePHPState ManagementGame DesignUI/UX DesignTeam CollaborationProject Management

A classic puzzle game where the player pushes boxes to designated locations. Built with React and TypeScript.



Game DevelopmentLuaEluna/AIOMySQLUI DesignDatabase ManagementGame AdministrationServer ManagementAPI IntegrationSystem Architecture

A Game Master UI for Eluna/AIO, designed to manage Spawns, NPCs, Spells, and more. Built with Lua and MySQL.

Old Portfolio (React)

Old Portfolio (React)

Web DevelopmentReactCSSJavaScript / TypeScriptHTMLGitGitHub / PagesFigmaResponsive Design

An old portfolio website built with React. It showcases my projects and skills before the Svelte version.

© 2025 Andreas Isidorsson. All rights reserved.